
Friday, April 8, 2011

Plein Air a al Bicyclette

Spring is high and the air is warming, it's getting to the point where I feel compelled to get out of the studio and onto the trails.  How then do I compromise and continue painting while still getting to enjoy the rebirth of the seasonal cycle?  Here's the idea; packing my essential supplies and a selection of canvases on my touring bike and setting off for a plein air tour of (insert whatever location I decide on later).  I'm no stranger to biking long distances and camping out in whatever place my legs have carried me but adding a painting session would be a change.

Being fairly out of shape after a lazy winter means it'll take some training anyways so I'm going to take this week and travel around a bit to experiment in plein air work to see if this plan is something really worth pursuing.  The normal studio approach I have while painting is slow and fairly meticulous.  Painting more thickly, and quickly, in the rougher conditions would certainly require a different stylistic consideration.  A few experiments and I should know if I can/want to trying to pull it off.